International Clinic Thessaloniki 2012
The Greek Association of Basketball Coaches will organize form the 29th of June to the 1st of July an International Clinic in Thessaloniki, wich will have a great speakers as Zelkko Obradovic, Dimitris Itoudis, Andrea Trinchieri, Vasilis and Stergios Koufos Fragias.
"Pressure at all the court" (talk given by Obradovic), "Ofense and Defense in the low post", "Pick & Roll defense" will be some of the topics that will be given in the Hellenistic city during those three days.
Social Media
Cartel del XVI Clínic Internacional de Baloncesto Fundación Cesare Scariolo
— AEEB (@AEEBTWEETS) September 4, 2024
📍Pabellón "Carlos Cabezas" (Marbella)
🗓️21 y 22 de septiembre